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The Importance Of Storytelling

Victoria Pearce • Mar 02, 2023

World Book Day - The Importance Of Storytelling

If you’ve known NOTORiOUS KiDS for a while then you might remember the annual competition we used to do on socials for the best dressed on World Book Day every year. We asked for people to send in pics of their children dressed up for world book day with a little info on why they chose that particular character and story. Some awesome prizes were to be won and we still have people telling us how much they miss getting involved in this little tradition we created.

Storytelling is so important to us, its what we do, its at the core of everything we create. That’s why at NOTORiOUS KiDS the importance of storytelling and using diverse and imaginative narratives running through our parties and events are at the heart of what we do. 

Children's earliest perceptions of the world around them are shaped not only by experiences they have but by the books we read to them and the stories we tell them. Therefore, it's essential that children see a true reflection of the world around them in the literature they are exposed to from diverse characters and stories. If there is an absence of an inclusive range of characters and role models in our books then this lacks a true representation of our world.

Here are some books we recomend telling wonderful diverse stories:

by Victoria Pearce 17 Aug, 2023
Play is essential to a child’s growth, not only is it what makes childhood fun it is also important for development. It boosts creativity and imagination which in turn helps children conquer fears, practice courage and problem solving, it helps develop interests and create positive relationships to name a few. At NOTORiOUS KiDS everything we do has play at the heart of it, living out our childhood dreams daily, conjuring up imaginative worlds and ideas to engage the children we entertain. All you have to do is attend a NOTORiOUS KiDS party and see how play has the power to bring children together, no matter the age and background, it is a universal language for children. Our lucky entertainers get to increase their endorphins every time they bring our creations to life, acting silly and carefree, using their imaginations and moving their bodies. In fact, play is contagious and a skill somehow us grownups have forgotten. It’s extremely important work and so many life lessons can be learnt through play. So, to spread the magic of play we have put together some of our favourite ways to engage in playful activities with your children that will not only spark joy in your child but change your mood for the better and encourage positive experiences together: Build a Fort: Who doesn’t have the fondest memories of building fort as a child. All you need is some blankets and some upside-down furniture. Grab a torch and tell a story underneath the blankets, or stack boxes to represent a pirate ship and go on an adventure. So many possibilities! Make Music: Pull out your pots and pans and wooden spoons and have a jam! Explore the sounds you can make, tapping out a rhythm together, who can bang the loudest or quietest. Invent a story: Great for car journeys or bedtimes, start with a line and ask your child to fill in the gaps to create your very own imaginative world. Shake it off: Put on your favourite song and dance like nobody is watching, forget those inhibitions and really let go. Trust us it feels great! Copycat: Take it in turns to copy the leader, demonstrate playful movements and pull funny faces! Have a go and let us know how it feels to remind yourself of the power of play! About the author: Victoria Pearce - is well versed with the power of play, having founded her very own company creating playful experiences for children of all ages (even grown-ups) as Creative Director of NOTORiOUS KiDS. Plus years of being a consultant with many family focused brands having created an early years play based curriculum which is being rolled out world-wide.
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